Review: Carrying Things on Your Bike with You [From BA 43-100]

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"It's terribly embarrassing if not also  inconvenient and dangerous to inadvertently litter your possessions down the road behind you as you ride."

from BA 43-100

Okay. Here’s the thing: baskets and racks are great for commuting. So much can go in there: groceries, packages, cats, clothes, vegetables, cheese...all of it. They’re great! But the utmost uncomfortable commute of all time involves carrying these items, but having no way to hold them down so they don’t launch themselves out of the basket and/or off your rack into the street as you ride the dips and crevasses of urban and country landscapes. This is terribly embarrassing, if not also extremely inconvenient and dangerous—for you and everyone else—to inadvertently litter your possessions down the road behind you as you ride. “Whoops, there goes my whipped cream and argyle socks!” Who wants that? Listen, you need then a cargo net. For about $5, a mighty elastic net of awesomeness will without a doubt take care of holding all of your miscellaneous bits and pieces in place, securing also your peace of mind and reputation as a savvy two-wheeled being. The only better use of money you’ll spend on your bicycle is a saddle that doesn’t hurt your rear. Now, go carry yourself, and your things, with poise. 

Evan P. Schneider