Full Moon Ride Schedule [From BA 42-500]

Full Moon Ride Schedule Best of Boneshaker.jpg

"The water within you seeks communion with the water outside you. And that water will tell you everything..."

from BA 42-500

Based on John Mosley’s Phases of the Moon, Griffith Observatory

Egg Moon. Fish Moon. Pink Moon.

Ride north in a group of five or ten, under the call of noisy night geese. Stop only at an open space, then frankly discuss the several tasks at hand. Leave your jacket, but bring your flag; this is a silent procession of glee.

Seed Moon. Waking Moon. Sprouting Grass Moon.

Find a bit of earth in want of life and plant that which does some good. From your basket or your bag, eat of the fruit and of the flower.

Sap Moon. Lenten Moon. Crow Moon.

If you’re lucky, it will rain and there will be water on your head as you ride in darkened revelry. This is the very height of your physical existence. The water within you seeks communion with the water outside you. And that water will tell you everything.

Evan P. Schneider